Readme for Archive compiled by A. Farson VA7OJ/AB4OJ June 10, 2003 Table of Contents: 1. W2ISB PBT Mod. 2. KC2MK PBT Mod. 3. VE3HUR Filter Mod and FAQ. 4. VE3HUR IC-765 Notes, version 1.03. 5. Service Bulletins. 6. PLL Alignment. 7. BFO Alignment. 8. Tracking Sidetone Mod (contributed by KC7QYR). 9. New Tracking Sidetone Mod (contributed by N6MZ). 10.Audio AGC Enhancements (contributed by KC7QYR). 11.AC5AA Notes on Audio/AGC Mod. Disclaimer: This archive contains modification and service information for the Icom IC-765. No liability is assumed for its use. QST articles Copyright © ARRL.